“Business, it’s what I love to do.”

Trixy has founded and invested in over 50 companies in the last 20 years. She has spanned multiple industries and is always looking for her next thing. Two of the most notable companies are Genesis Capital and Hudson & Marshall.

Founder and former Owner of Genesis Capital, a leading national originator of private money loans, and the former CEO and Owner of Hudson & Marshall, one of the country’s premier real estate auction companies. Capitalizing on her ability for predicting real estate trends, Trixy saw an under-served niche for real estate professionals needing access to assets and financing for real estate acquisitions.

This led her to found Genesis Capital in 2007 and its sister company, Genesis Auctions in 2011, creating the first technology-driven real estate disposition platform for investor buyers, giving them access to purchase distressed properties and providing buyers the capital to do so. She sold Genesis Capital to Goldman Sachs in January 2018. Genesis Capital became an industry leader originating over $2 billion in loans annually to the nation’s top real estate developers. The success of Genesis Auctions led to an acquisition of Hudson & Marshall, LLC in April 2015. Hudson & Marshall is a leading real estate auction platform which she sold to Fidelity National Title in May of 2017.

Current Ventures

  • Founder and CEO

    TRX offers an array of lending products to real estate investors helping them span the entire real estate life cycle. Whether you are looking to acquire, renovate, build, hold, or sell we can help. We commit to know our lending markets like developers, and we expand markets methodically through local agents and investors to understand each market from the current investors’ perspective. Our team continuously strives for excellence in all areas of our work, and leverages the diverse expertise from all members of our team to ensure our platform has superior performance across our portfolio.

  • Advisory Board

    Our mission is to revolutionize the trillion-dollar credit card processing industry by bringing transparency, clarity, and equitable pricing to our clients. We strive to dismantle the complexities and misleading practices that have plagued the industry, ensuring that our clients receive honest, straightforward statements and competitive rates. We believe that high fees should no longer be tolerated as a silent partnership. By empowering businesses with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate the payment landscape with confidence, we aim to help them save money and significantly impact their bottom line.

Notable Investments

A Proud Forbes Finance Member.

“It’s an honor to be recognized by Forbes and to connect with other entrepreneurs”