Trixy Castro is the true definition of the American Dream, showing that hard work and perseverance pay off. The daughter of Cuban immigrants, her parents strove to give her a life that was better than theirs. Growing up at a young age Trixy didn’t at first understand that she had less than those around her. Her mother worked as a live-in caregiver for an affluent family in a suburb of Los Angeles, California.  Living in the family’s guest house, Trixy’s mother worked extremely hard to afford opportunities for her daughter and to expose her to experiences and people that ultimately shaped Trixy into who she is today.

Trixy was exposed to the business through the family she lived with at an early age and it always intrigued her.  The head of the family became her first mentor.  As she grew older, and her family moved to their own home, Trixy began to understand how much more wealth those around her had.  The drive her parents instilled in her and her desire to have the same opportunities as others lead her to start her own business at only 14 years old, Trixy’s Tutor Time.  With funds from this business, Trixy was able to pay for registration fees and gear for soccer, where she continued to hone her competitiveness and drive.  Instead of being upset that she didn’t have the same resources as other children her age, Trixy turned it into an opportunity to better herself, a theme that has grown throughout her life and career. 

Trixy never took no for an answer and created the means for herself. Trixy is never one to back down even when the odds are against her.  And this has led to her being a trailblazer in both the real estate and finance industries.  She has also taken those early life lessons and experiences and dedicated herself to providing mentorship for young adults passionate about entering business fields that have historically been underserved; in addition, through philanthropic organizations, she invests time into creating more widespread opportunities for children who aspire towards entrepreneurship.

First Generation. Fierce. Family.

A moment with Trixy.

Let’s Change the World Together.